There is money in your list…
Think of your email/SMS marketing efforts as baking a cake.
You have to put love into it.
Some of you are ready to hear this…
If you’ve read any of my emails, you’ll know that I’m not always keen to the idea of hiring an agency.
As an agency owner myself, this might come across as massively IRONIC.
Why do I write these emails almost every day? [Part 2]
Reason #2: For you!
Yesterday I told you about how writing these emails almost every day benefits me.
Today’s concept is a bit simpler, but it’s a good one.
Why do I write these emails almost every day? [Part 1]
There are two main reasons I do this…
And a whole bunch of nuance within each reason.
Reason #1: For me.
Reason #2: For you.
Thoughts on the Purple Cow
I talk about the three pillars of Merchant Success a lot. They are Product-Market Fit (PMF), Merchant-Market Fit (MMF), and Product-Channel Fit (PCF).
The reason is that these are the ESSENTIAL ingredients that make up a successful eCom business.
How to make your online store “look expensive”
I had a student ask me how they can make their site look more “expensive”
That resonated with me for some reason.
The only marketing activity that has a 100% open rate …
This concept means that at EVERY customer touchpoint, you provide a unique, personalized, value-infused, detail-focused experience.
How to calculate your Customer Lifetime Value in under 2 minutes
There are a ton of videos out there that show you how to calculate your CLV,
But for some reason, they all involve exporting orders and using spreadsheets.
“It is possible to commit ALL the mistakes and still win…[Part 2]
“It is possible to commit ALL the mistakes and still win…That is not luck. That is Product-Market Fit.”
Simon Trafford, Star Trek fan