Why do I write these emails almost every day? [Part 1]
There are two main reasons I do this…
And a whole bunch of nuance within each reason.
Reason #1: For me.
Reason #2: For you.
Let’s extrapolate.
When I say I do this “for me”, what I DON’T mean is that I write these with the intent that each one will make sales and fill our wallets.
At the end of the day, we DO run a business, but there is so much more that I get out of doing this than just the ROI.
First and foremost, the 45 minutes I spend every morning writing about marketing, ecom, business, etc…
Gets me absolutely fired up for the day.
It declutters my brain,
It feels amazing to start the day with a win…
Rather than starting the day replying to emails until I get distracted by a bigger issue and then enter my daily train of meeting after meeting.
As I’ve talked about numerous times, it is vital that you focus on the IMPACTFUL activities first.
This is one of those activities. Not only for the marketing lift but for my mindset as well.
One thing I don’t talk about much is my writing outside of work.
Every night from about 9 pm to about 11 pm, after my boy is asleep, and the workday is done,
I write another 500-1000 words on the novel I’m working on.
When all is said and done, I write about 1500-2000 words on any given day.
I don’t say this to brag…
I say this to inspire you to build your Tiger Swipes into your routine.
The work is not one-and-done.
It is cumulative.
Its purpose is to build consistent momentum.
I have a client that can’t, for the life of them, get us content for ads.
We laid out the plan, showed them how to do it, and gave them example after example…
We have other clients in the same space they are who have wildly successful campaigns with a specific type of content.
The reason they can’t get it to us?
They’re too busy.
They’re spending hundreds of dollars per day on ads that don’t perform nearly as well as they could.
Too busy to create some simple content that has the potential to 10X your business overnight?
I don’t throw “10X’s” around lightly.
If it were me, I would block a couple of hours off every single week to make this content…
Then more content. Then more, then more, then more…
Your job is to find something that works… and then do better.
Beat the baseline. The game we are playing is beat the baseline.
The thing is, your first stab at it will probably not be the best thing ever. But it is the first step.
“Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Jake the Dog
What are you doing every single day that is moving the needle in your business?
P.S. Here are my Grammarly insights so you know I’m not just blowing smoke.